27 October, 2011

Eversun Software Now Hiring Web Developers

Eversun Software Philippines focuses on building business on the INTERNET. Its Team has specialties in building online communities, web publishing and e-commerce. They are actively seeking creative and self motivated individuals with skills in journalism, critical thinking, research, graphic design, systems administration, and web development.

Web Developers (15k Monthly)
(1.Intermediate PHP Programming 2. Intermediate MySQL 3. Intermediate HTML 4. Intermediate CSS Styling 5. Intermediate Javascript 6. Beginner Graphics Design)

The requirements:
Candidates must be a College Graduate
Excellent in Written English Communication Skills
Internet Savvy
Willing to undergo training and must be hardworking
Fresh Graduates/Entry Level applicants are welcome to apply
Full-time positions available

For more information please call (082) 222-5369 or visit their website agentsofvalue.com or better still visit their Office at 3rd Floor, Bernardo Bldg., Bonifacio St., Davao City. You can also e-mail your Resume at hr_davaobranch@agentsofvalue.com look for Ms. Kim 

1 comment :

  1. that is a brilliant blog i love to see all this stuff check this one hire web developers
    thanks for sharing..
