26 October, 2011

Troubleshooting and Patient

In repairing computers, there is no difficult problem when you follow the steps of troubleshooting. Everything will be a piece of cake when your mind is filled not of knowledge but patient.

I was teaching my friend on how to troubleshoot computer errors. He wanted to learn so I taught him how to troubleshoot and install different OS and applications. He formatted a computer that was running WinME so he could install winXP Home Edition on it. During the installation, he experienced this kind of error "Setup cannot copy the file: tour P.exe". He didn't have any kind of problem from the start, the computer picks up the installation CD until he came to the stage where it stopped at 54% saying it could not copy tour P.exe.

Windows XP Home Edition Setup 
Setup cannot copy the file: tour P.exe
To retry, press ENTER
If you are installing from a CD, make sure the Windows XP CD is in the CD-Rom drive.
To skip this file, press ESC.
CAUTION: If you skip this file, Setup may not complete and Windows XP may not work properly.
To quit Setup, press F3

He thought that the DVD drive optic reader was a bit tired so he have replaced it several times. He also tried changing cables, cd’s, and even hard drive, But nothing in these methods help him out of the problem. I knew that the only one thing left that could be the reason of this problem is the RAM. I decided to check the RAM and finally I found the problem, he have mixed the RAM with Non-ECC and ECC.

I wanted him to learn through his experiences so I've never told him about the problem. I never taught him what to do but he managed to solve it. He changed the RAM and he started  installing "Window Home Edition" without any difficulty. He learned the solutions by proper troubleshooting and patient.

In troubleshooting computers, not all is a walk in the park. Every problem does not have always obvious solutions. That is why you really need to check everything in order to find the best of the most possible solutions. This is what we called troubleshooting, the skills that can help you find the world of expertise. But without patient you can never achieve it . 


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