21 July, 2011

How to Fix Adobe CS3 Installation Errors

Sometimes during the installation of any of Adobe CS Products, like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, we can encounter some of the error below.
Critical errors were found in setup-session has dependencies that cannot be satisfied.
Please see the setup log file for details.
Critical errors were found in setup
Incompatible payloads already installed
Please see the Setup log file for details
 Here is how to fix it.
  • Download Adobe CS3Clean Script. This will help resolve installation problems experienced by beta and pre-release users of Adobe Creative Suite software.
  • Download the Microsoft Windows Installer CleanUp Utility and install it on your computer. Note that if the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility is not installed on your computer, the CS3Clean script will notify you and then quit.
  • Unzip WinCS3Clean.zip.
  • Double click on the WinCS3Clean folder to open the directory.
  • Double click on CS3Clean and follow the instructions for assistance installing the script.
Hope it will help.


  1. You should never lead anyone to a download that installs any bloatware or spyware. Very unprofessional. If you compiled this bloatware into

  2. What's wrong with my post? I am just trying to provide solutions for this problem.

  3. turns out it was a conflict with flash, uninstalled the most recent version and the installer ran fine

  4. Worked perfectly fine! Thanks a lot, Ramel! Your post is just fine.
