When your computer freezing randomly and you do not know why, you are in the right page to search for the right solutions. When your computer become unresponsive and some of its applications hang and unable to respond to any commands, you need to identify the different possible causes in order to fix the problem. Fixing computer which freezes randomly you must first attempt to identify the source of the problem, and troubleshoot the problem accordingly.
Most Common Reasons Why Computer Freezes and its Solution
1. Hard disk space is not enough.
If the drive C or the system drive has not enough disk space for virtual memory, some applications won't run smoothly and it will also cause the computer freezing problem.
Solution: Delete or transfer the unnecessary files of your drive C. These includes the files of your desktop, My Documents folder and downloads. You can also increase the system drive by re-partitioning your hard drive. You can do this by partitioning hard drive without formatting.
2. Not enough RAM.
Everything in our computer uses RAM. All running programs load into RAM and the processor runs them from there. So the more RAM your computer has, the faster and more efficiently it will run, but if you are running more programs with limited RAM, the slower your computer will be.
Solution: Install more RAM to boost up your computer's performance and avoid computer freezing problem.
3. Virus infection.
Malware infection and virus infection are the common reasons why computer freezes. Viruses can delete some of the DLL files and other initialization files that needed and crucial to the operating system. This can cause errors that resulted to computer freezing problem. Malwares/spywares can also run hidden programs that can consume the processor's activity and can also affects the computer performance.
Solution: If you don't have an antivirus or antispyware tools on your system, purchase and install one; otherwise, make sure that you're running the latest version of the application. Run a full system scan to check for problems and remove any potential threats, and be sure to repeat this process regularly to prevent future issues. I recommend malwarebytes to remove malware infection.
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ReplyDeleteI do agree with your point that these all are common reasons for freezes computer. If you take care about these points you will not face any problem. It is important that computer works properly because it saves you lots of time. Give your time to understand how to speed up computer and after that complete the task.