17 August, 2012

After Effects Error: failed to parse transmap file

Everytime I tried opening Adobe After Effects, this error is kept on popping up..

After Effects error: failed to parse transmap file

I can't open any files nor create a new composition because of this message! I googled the solution  and some says that it has something to do with fonts. I tried to delete all those new installed font but it didn't solve the problem.

After searching the answer, I fount this solution from one of the forum sites I've visited. Glad to say it works!

  • Find your AfterFX9.ini. By default it should be located in C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Adobe\After Effects\8.0
  • Open it in the text editor of your choice. By default this will be Notepad. Alternate tools could be SciTe or Textpad. Do not use office programs like Word for this.
  • In the [System DLL Fragmentation Workaround] section, change Enable Workaround=1 to Enable Workaround=0.
  • Choose File >> Save.


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