27 July, 2011

How to Remove Write Protection from the USB Flash Drive

I have a 8 GB Flash drive and it is working fine with my personal PC at home, but when I used it in some PC in the office, I can't add or remove files from it.
It says: Drive can't be written on. Please, remove write protection.
I know there is nothing wrong with the memory stick, so I should not format it to remove the write protection. It took me almost an hour to find the solution of this problem and thanks that I found it.

Here is How to remove write protection from the USB flash drive:
  1. Go to run->Type Regedit
  2. Search into "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control \StorageDevicePolicies"
  3. Double click to open Write Protected File and and change the value into " 0 " then click ok.
  4. Insert your device and check it.
If this solution does not work for you because when you got to the part "StorageDevicePolicies" it is no where to be found, please download this file. Run it by double clicking the file and  the StorageDevicesPolicies folder will be created automatically. I hope that it will help. 


    1. Flash drives are very useful. A USB flash drive is a data storage device that consists of flash memory with an integrated Universal Serial Bus interface.

    2. Thank you, but it does not work with my USB Transcend 4GB. Any other ideas?

    3. Didn't work with me either, Fujitsu 8G :(

    4. not me! I have two! none goes..:(

    5. Please..help! I have 2, Not one goes .. are different sticks, one of 4 other 8... I tried on three computers...I do not know what else I can do...:(

    6. I tried all the methods you have to remove a read
      only protected from my flash drive and cant find
      one that works?bob arnold

    7. Mus
      it cant work.i have tried

    8. Thanks, as in many other people tried all fixes...yours work!!!

    9. same problem just started today um going to try il bring the fedback thanx.

    10. I followed everything and got to if the registry file doesnt exist download this and run it to make the file. i did, and ran it but it wouldnt work, I added pause at the end of the file so i could see what the problem was and it says
      blah blah blah

    11. Thank you so much, it worked very well!

    12. this is my problem above exactly, my problem.. when i try to run add.bat from location i get an unspecified error. manually d/l fix, i have run.. and then run with admin priviledge. niether create a registry key for "storagedevicepolicy"
      cruzer 8gig flash, with no writeP switch
      windows 7 on HP pavilion HPEseries

    13. i tried it n it did not work me too

    14. It didn't work for me, and the bat didn't change the regedit. Still cannot remove/delete the file
